Hey I'm Travis and welcome to my personal site. I started coding in freshman year at Farmingdale college, then taking several classes in c++ and Java. Transferring to Stony Brook I began focusing my studies on Applied and Theoretical Maths. At this time I would pick up Python and Node.js; building web scrapers and back-end soultions. Researching from eloquentjavascript.net to Frisby's Mostly Adequate. Realizing very quickly after interacting with JavaScript that I want to work with React. When I'm not coding; you may see me cooking, playing World of Warcraft, or 9-ball.t
Built React site using Semantic UI, GraphQL, and Gatsby.js; hosted with the Gatsby Cloud Platform. Features dynamic pages and reusable components.
Developed a JavaFX UI with Scene Builder 2.0; used to interact with a Citrix relational database.
React app created with Next.js and Material-UI. Netlify retrieves blog, podcast, and video data. Relying on REST API's and json document's for data necessary for a finance dashboard.